
Showing posts from December, 2022

Neodymium Magnets And Their Uses

  Neodymium magnets are the most widely used rare-earth magnets. They are permanent magnets that are made from neodymium alloy, boron and iron to form a tetragonal crystalline structure. Permanent means that they are able to retain the magnetic properties over high periods of time constantly generating magnetic field from their surroundings. These magnets are actually the strongest permanent magnet types available commercially and they have even replaced other magnet types in different application in making modern products that need the strength. Today you will find the magnets in cordless tools as motors, fasteners and even in hard disk drives. Below are some of the common uses of neodymium magnets. Medical industry uses - The neodymium magnets are used extensively for magno-therapy by medical practitioners and physiotherapists to reduce pain. They are also sold as medical devices to wear as shoe insertions, blankets and bracelets. They stabilize iron content and hemoglobin c...